2017 Winner


Watch Dogs 2


BronzeBest Use of Media - Best in Experiential/Special Event/Stunts - Budget Under $100,000

For Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs 2, Bleublancrouge tapped into the theme of the game and let gamers feel the thrill of real-life hacking. The team created a fictional evil tech company that built connected homes, as well as a hacker community called the Dedsec Resistance, inviting wannabe hackers to use social media to infiltrate the company’s website and marketing campaign. In real-time, the brand broadcast the experience on Facebook Live and on billboards in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square using Cieslock Media’s live display technology. Ubisoft’s influencer network was also tapped to share the video of the stunt on their social channels.

Senior director of marketing and communications, Ubisoft: Lucile Bousquet
Partner and VP, media, Bleublancrouge: Dave Gourde
Partner, VP and ECD, Bleublancrouge: Jonathan Rouxel