2017 Winner

Johnson & Johnson

Reactine Pollen Alert

J3 & J. Walter Thompson Canada

BronzeBest Use of Digital - Best in Location-Based Marketing

Cities are hit with di erent pollen waves at di erent times. To stay relevant when allergies were at their peak, Reactine, J3 and JWT customized messaging by city to keep su erers informed of pollen levels, all in real-time. The team partnered with Aerobiology Research Laboratories to analyze pollen levels and then created six-second video bumpers for YouTube that delivered pollen forecasts to targeted cities. The snackable ads provided di erent calls-to-action. When pollen was low, the brand encouraged Canadians to get outside and enjoy the day. But when pollen was high, it acted as a warning and urged them prepare with Reactine.

Senior Connection Planner: Michelle Arksey (J3)
Account Supervisor: Tory Grummett (J. Walter Thompson Canada)