2023 Winner

BronzeBest in OOH Platforms - Budget Over $100,000
"The Plastic Collecting Billboard"
"The Plastic Collecting Billboard"
As a brand associated with the beach and the outdoors, Corona is committed to reducing plastic waste in their waterways. While Canada may not be the first country that comes to mind when thinking about plastic water pollution, in reality, Canadians throw away over 3 million tonnes of plastic
waste each year.
To make the problem personal for Canadians and shake their complacency about their contribution to plastic water pollution, their challenge was to find a way to use their media to do more than just talk about protecting their waterways from plastic waste and actually help solve the problem.
They discovered that the plastic that ultimately ends up in the ocean comes through their rivers, which led to their insight & idea: if a river is like a superhighway for plastic water pollution, what if Corona created a billboard for rivers that could actually help clean them.
The Corona Plastic Collecting Billboard was a first-of-its kind floating OOH billboard that collects plastic waste from North America’s third largest river, The St. Lawrence, intercepting it before it
spreads into their oceans.
The billboard itself was equipped with a trash skimmer that collects plastic waste, with a tank inside capable of holding roughly 200 kilograms of plastic waste. That’s 21,622 plastic water bottles, 36,364 plastic bags, and 153,846 plastic straws. That plastic then gets properly recycled.
To create The Corona Plastic Collecting Billboard, they worked with The Searial Cleaners, a coastal waste management company that utilizes disruptive technology to help restore waterways back to their pristine environment. In an industry first, they integrated a plastic waste collecting device directly into their billboard that actually removes plastic waste from lakes, rivers and oceans.
The Corona Plastic Collecting Billboard exceeded their objectives, garnering over 14+ million impressions (14.98M). Throughout that time, they were picked up by publications like Strategy, AdNews, NewsWire, Curiosity, The Message, Yahoo.com, LaPresse and
Journal De Montreal.com, just to name a few.
waste each year.
To make the problem personal for Canadians and shake their complacency about their contribution to plastic water pollution, their challenge was to find a way to use their media to do more than just talk about protecting their waterways from plastic waste and actually help solve the problem.
They discovered that the plastic that ultimately ends up in the ocean comes through their rivers, which led to their insight & idea: if a river is like a superhighway for plastic water pollution, what if Corona created a billboard for rivers that could actually help clean them.
The Corona Plastic Collecting Billboard was a first-of-its kind floating OOH billboard that collects plastic waste from North America’s third largest river, The St. Lawrence, intercepting it before it
spreads into their oceans.
The billboard itself was equipped with a trash skimmer that collects plastic waste, with a tank inside capable of holding roughly 200 kilograms of plastic waste. That’s 21,622 plastic water bottles, 36,364 plastic bags, and 153,846 plastic straws. That plastic then gets properly recycled.
To create The Corona Plastic Collecting Billboard, they worked with The Searial Cleaners, a coastal waste management company that utilizes disruptive technology to help restore waterways back to their pristine environment. In an industry first, they integrated a plastic waste collecting device directly into their billboard that actually removes plastic waste from lakes, rivers and oceans.
The Corona Plastic Collecting Billboard exceeded their objectives, garnering over 14+ million impressions (14.98M). Throughout that time, they were picked up by publications like Strategy, AdNews, NewsWire, Curiosity, The Message, Yahoo.com, LaPresse and
Journal De Montreal.com, just to name a few.
LabattMike Bascom - Brand Director
Melisa Bayrav - Sr. Brand Manager
Madeline Barker - Brand Manager
Dave Douglass - Executive Creative Director
Neil Blewett - Creative Director
Etienne Bastien - Creative Director
Chloe Kim - Sr. Art Director
Darren Marranca - Sr. Copywriter
Shane Rodak - Sr. Copywriter
Matt Stasoff - Social Strategy Director
Marie-Pierre Toure - Head of Production
Sydney Price - Sr. Producer
Meaghan Binstock - Sr. Producer
Paul Lipson - Executive Strategy Director
Matt Holton - Head of Accounts
Alexa Espinosa - Business Director
Patrick Martini - Account Director
Rhiannon Enss - Account Director
Emily Kinney - Account Supervisor
Veritas PR
Julia Dee Islets
Rachael Montgomery
Jessica Walcot
Laura Andrejicka
Production: Parade Studios
Director: Anthony Ayotte
Producteur, associé: Guillaume Dubois
Producteur exécutif, associé: Jean-René Parenteau
Freelance editor: Sebastien Delporte
Water cleaning technology: The Searial Cleaners
Editing: School Editing
Editor: Mark Morton
Assistant Editor: David Ngandu
Executive Producer: Yumi Suyama
Online: Feather
Senior Visual Effects Artist: Luke Bellissimo
Online Assistant: Jeremy Lewis
Producer: Sonia Ruffolo
Audio: Berkeley
Creative Director: Jared Kuemper
Assistant Engineer: Tyler Young
Exec Producer: Tyna Maerzke